Friday, October 31, 2003

Quite possibly, Role Model Of The Year, 2K3

No, not Vinegar Boy, Aaron.

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Note to Chris: I'll put in to get posted to Everett after A-School, and then I'll kick your ass.

That is, if Pensacola doesn't immediately take me on for the STA-21 program, in which case I'll make you salute me, and then I'll kick your ass. ;)

No, it's not for buying a Dell. After all, friends don't let friends buy Compaq Comcrap.

It's not even for your new title for your link to here. I seriously flirted with the idea of getting an uniform shirt early and stencilling in "Staines" for the nametag, but I figured it was something Navy Recruiting Command would frown upon.

But enough of the Explosion of High Impact for a sec.

In other news, I might just save the Navy the expense of getting me my A+ certification after all. More details as events warrant.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

From the Poor Choice Of Words Or Truth In Advertising? Dept.:

There is a church in Kerrville that calls itself the First Condemning Church of Kerrville.

I swear I am not making this up.

Makes you wonder what their services are like, and it's certainly no church I'd like to belong to. I believe that if you have faith, then you should be celebrating it instead of condemning everybody else. And to top it all off, you've all doubtlessly heard the story of the general who had a few choice words about Islam, namely that another holy war is in progress in the Middle East. And to think I might find myself under such a person's command...

My parents have a copy of CS Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, but the quote I'm reminded of comes from the companion piece, Screwtape Proposes A Toast:

"I see, and smell, that even under wartime conditions the [Tempters' Training College] cellar still has a few dozen of sound old vintage Pharisee... You know how this wine is blended? Different type of Pharisee have been harvested, trodden, and fermented together to produce its subtle flavour. Types that were most antagonistic to one another on Earth. Some were all rules and relics and rosaries; others were all drab clothes, long faces, and petty traditional abstinences from wine or cards or the theatre. Both had in common their self-righteousness and the almost infinite distance between their actual outlook and anything [God] is or commands."

Crunchy Juicy Sacrelige -- Muslims, I apologize in advance

Next week: Another rousing round of Where The Fuck Have All The Jobs Gone?

Saturday, October 11, 2003


No, let me rephrase that.


There is nothing to lift the soul quite like the Aggies treating a Big 12 conference team like North Texas or some other no-account football school.

Josh is going to be insufferable because he can now say "Top 25 my Oklahoma ass", but the Red River Blowout is becoming quite a spectacle. Of course, seeing t.u. lit up for 55+ points always brings a smile to this Ag's face.

More to follow.
Kerrville. Shit. I can't believe I'm back in fucking Kerrville.

And to think I've hardly said a word to my parents until I said yes to their offer to take me back in.

Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted to see my family again, and for my sins, I did.

Ok, now that I'm done bastardizing Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now, y'all know that I am back in Kerrville, and it's raining cats and dogs, so I can't get my own comp out to put this into. It is nice to be able to watch football again, for someone who's had to rely on tapes, DVDs, and the ol' computer for my daily bombardments of microwave radiation, but there's a few things that are sticking in my craw already, aside from the obvious.

When It's Bad: You get an impromptu lecture on Ways You Could Be Better Off Spending Your Money from your dad when he finds all the comics you've bought over the years you've been living on your own, even though you haven't bought any comics in several months.

When It's Really Bad: You get cautioned by your dad about your stash of Maxim magazines he uncovered while helping you pack your stuff, for fear of a conniption fit from one's own maternal unit.

When You Begin To Believe That You've Made A Serious Error In Judgement: You get the same maternal conniption fit caution about your anime collection.

Now, don't get me wrong. I've always liked anime, despite what certain people say about me being possessed by the spirit of Nathan Loney. And people who know my anime viewing habits know that I'm not down with the TRM (for the uninitiated, that stands for Tentacle Raping Monsters). But you see, I have this problem. My mom's Religious, with all that comes with it.

And on top of all that, I seem destined for a first-to-worst run in the Jacksux League, for no other reason than no matter who I start, they put out like a convent of orthodox nuns.

Pray for my soul, my brothers and sisters.

Scoping out the blogs, we find my favorite untrustworthy bi--err, bastard (and I ain't talking about the guy I was doing contract work for during my last months in Austin!) is alive, well, and finding disturbing stuff like this.

Dude, this is pretty fucked up, right here.

And this from the incomparable Johnny B.:

"Funny story my brother told me during RAW: He and his she-demon of a wife are at EB looking at Gamecube games. In walks this middle-aged couple who are aruging and talking loudly and acting like goofballs. They approach the clerk and ask if they have any new Gamecube games.

'Well, we have that new Billy Hatcher game,' he says, referring to Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.

'Well I always liked fuckin' chickens,' says the guy. Out loud.

Everybody stops. Silence. The wife chastises her man and out they go. The store is dead quiet and the clerk is in shock. Finally, someone speaks up: 'It takes a real man to admit that.'

The motto: People say the darndest things."

Now THAT'S comedy. You can't make this stuff up.

To crib from my good friend (and fellow serviceman these days!) Chris Gates, who cribbed this from David Letterman, so long for now, Blog Nation, and enjoy Smile Empty Soul.