Thursday, November 25, 2004

Halo 2 Exchange Of The Indeterminate Time Period

Everybody's Favorite E-9 drops onto the surface of *SPOILER* with some ODSTs.

CORTANA: Can you POSSIBLY make any more NOISE?!

Master Chief pulls out a SPNKr.

CORTANA: I guess so.
Song of the Indeterminate Time Period, Turkey Day 2K4

Good to be back home
In the pubs with the people that you love
And a crawl around the clubs getting high
Good to be back home all alone
When you're running up the phone bill
Trying to raise the cents for the rent
Good to be back home with your kid
And you ask him what he did
Well, he burned the house down to the ground
Good to be back home with the wife
And to have some kind of life
And to wake up and break up again

Good to be back home...
Good to be back home...

Good to be back home
On a love tip, gotta keep a grip
When the ship's going down, you can flip
Good to be back home
Off the junk food, seen as a clean dude
And instill a clean bill of health
Good to be back home
Hear the sounds of the city all around
And the music, the new licks you found
Good to be back home
At the Lane for a relegation game
As the boys get caned once again

Good to be back home...
Good to be back home...
Good to be back home...
Good to be back home...

I'm not homeless
I'm just restless
I get itchy feet and reckless
I've been travelling so long, cracking
I don't really know what is happening
Here is there is anywhere
And home is my ass on a chair
Then I wish I was gone
And then I wish I was home
Then I wish I was gone (AWOL)
Then I wish I was home (AWOL)
Then I wish I was gone (AWOL)
Then I wish I was home (AWOL)
Hello home...

-- Pop Will Eat Itself
Dos Dedos Mis Amigos (1994)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

November Rain

Yow. Been a while since I touched this, but there's so much to do around here and not enough time to do it in. You'd expect to see snow this far north, but so far, all we've been getting is rain.


Dian Wei
You are Dian Wei, bodyguard of Cao Cao. You are a
devil. Your power is feared. Animals are even
afraid of you. You don their heads to remind
your foes how foolish they are before facing

What Dynasty Warriors Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The End Of An Era, or Hunka Hunka Burnin' Athlon

My CPU is now singing with Elvis, and I don't get the rest of my enlistment bonus until I arrive at my next duty station. Which leaves me with the rest of my savings to put together a new unit. I can get my data off, but all the same, I'm gladly accepting contributions for the Get Jay A New Box Fund.